The week of February 14-18, transport teacher Rosa Romero and deputy head of studies Víctor Pérez visited Bosnia. Thanks to the program offered by the International Trade Consortium in which the institute is part, we were able to visit two partners. The University College “CEPS – Center for Business Studies” in Kiseljak, a city near Sarajevo and the Logos University in Mostar. We hope that as a result of this meeting new paths and opportunities will begin for our students and our partners.
La setmana del 14 al 18 de febrer la professora de transport Rosa Romero i el cap d’estudis adjunt Víctor Pérez van visitar Bòsnia. Gràcies a les beques ofertes pel Consorcio de Comercio Internacional en el qual està l’institut, vam poder visitar dos socis. La University College “CEPS – Center for Business Studies” a Kiseljak, una ciutat prop de Sarajevo i la Universitat Logos a Mostar. Esperem que fruit d’aquest encontre comencin nous camins i oportunitats per a l’alumnat nostre i dels nostres socis